God is holy. He is set apart from His creation and is
far above His creation. We are amazed when we gaze into the heavens
because of the beauty and vast nature that is virtually incomprehensible.
The more we study the universe through technology the more we realize how incredible
it is. In the same way we should be amazed when we look at God and
study who He is. Even more so than the heavens because He created it
all! His wholly otherness should boggle our minds. Yet there is a
paradox because we are created in His image. So even though who He is, is
far above us, we have His likeness. Unfortunately our sin corrupts this
image removes us farther and farther away from Him. As we look into these
things it should drive us to repent & worship Him. I think that is
the point of the psalm. The “heavenly beings” (ESV) in verse 1 are a
reflection of His glory which radiates from His holiness. We should see
beauty in this and be driven to worship Him.
Additionally, we are called to be holy for He is holy, 1
Pet. 1:16. We are set apart by our actions. Peter is talking about
our personal obedience to Christ. One may say, but all our works are as
filthy rags! No, not the believer. We are saved by God’s grace
alone through Christ alone. No work could ever earn God’s favor enough to
save us or make us holy. But when Christ has granted us repentance and
given us faith and we have become a true believer we are to walk in
obedience. Not to earn salvation, but because we love Him and are
grateful for the mercy He has given us. (Rom. 12:1) If we think we can
live like the world and call ourselves Christians, we are sadly mistaken.
Hebrews 10:29 – “How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by
the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has profaned the blood
of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of
grace?” (ESV) When we walk in obedience we are “being holy.” This
is a beautiful thing. When a father or mother sees their child obey
quickly with the right attitude because they love their parent it brings them
great joy. It is a beautiful thing. How much more beautiful is it
when we obey our heavenly father because we love Him! For this is the
love of God, that we keep his commandments. (1 Jn. 5:3) This is the
beauty of Holiness.